Monday, November 3, 2008

Self, no way is it really November!

  Right now, I have such a strange feeling.  Not a bad feeling, but not necessarily a good one either.  Just, a feeling.  My nose is starting to be stopped up, and it's cold enough to put a scarf on, but if I were to step outside and not experience either of those things, I would probably say to myself, "Self, no way is it really November!"
  I remember this time two years ago, I would walk out on my back porch in Tennessee and be immediately greeted by the smell of burnt wood!  I would see the fire-colored trees with their yellow, red, and orange leafs, and I would feel my cat graze against my leg.  I really miss all of these things, but more than that, I miss the family that lived in the house that the porch was connected to!  I miss the fun times we all shared!  I miss my mom's amazing cooking!  I miss....home.
  Even in the midst of all this missing-business, I still feel an overwhelming comfort!  One that is way better than my fuzzy blanket named "Puppy" or a pumpkin spice latte' or even a much needed hug by someone I love!  It's a comfort that can only come from the higher power and authority in my life - the One who put me out here in the first place - the One and Only...GOD!
  So YEAH I miss home and family, but I have an amazing life at an amazing place in an amazing city with amazing friends with a TON of amazing things on the horizon!

  Besides, who can really complain about walking outside in November and seeing green palm trees swaying in this 70 degree LA weather!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The very first one...

Wowzers!  I've blogged before, but I honestly haven't since xenga and livejournal were all the craze! (Anyone else remember that? ha!)  Well, I guess you could say this first blog is a giant pair of scissors and a big red ribbon of sorts, a breaking bottle of bubbly, a nervous person with a mediocre voice singing the National Anthem before a big game!  I'm not promising anything super amazing or insanely interesting, but i can promise that you will read some of my views, thoughts, and rants, along with a lot of venting, randomness, cries for help.  But more than that, you will simply read about my everyday life.  

God Speed.